Bihar State Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited

About us

The Bihar State Hydroelectric Power Corporation (BHPC) was registered under the Companies Act as an undertaking of the Government of Bihar in 1982. The main objective of the company was to plan, promote, organize, undertake, co-ordinate, finance, establish, develop and engage in the business of setting up of all types of renewable power projects such as hydro-electric, solar, wind,biomass etc. in all its aspects including planning, investigation, research, design and preparation of preliminary feasibility and detailed project reports, construction, generation, operation and maintenance of hydroelectric power stations and projects, transmission, distribution and sale of power and to carry on all activities connected with power projects such as manufacture supply, erection, commissioning, running and maintaining the same.

The State of Bihar is bounded by Nepal in the North, Jharkhand in the South, West Bengal in the East and Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in the West. The striking feature of the geography of Bihar is that if its northern portion consists almost entirely of a level tract traversed by a number of rivers originating from Nepal. The region south of the Ganga too is similar geographically with only the tract bordering with Jharkhand having stretches of hilly terrain and forests. The state is full of rivers and canals which creates the huge potential of Hydro power generation in Bihar.

Sri Nitish Kumar,
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Bihar
Sri B.P. Yadav,
Hon'ble Minister, Energy
Sri Pankaj Kumar Pal, IAS
Secretary (Energy) & Chairman, BHPC
Sri Mahendra Kumar, IAS
Managing Director